Download speed test file

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The idea is for occasional testing and trouble-shooting. Sure the servers have a fast connection, but they 1 pay for it and 2 expect many people to be able to use the service. The Raspberry Pi is connected through wifi(IEEE802.11). Don't the servers who host the speed test have 10gbps internet connections? I tested it again and it dropped about 5mbps but when I get my computer closer to the speedtest gets to 50mbps. This is why I did this because I expected one thing and got another. Whey don't the pi use the entire network connection. I expected it to drop 5-10 mbps less but that still leaves me with another 45mbps. Currently when I ran the test on some the internet connection almost never dropped. I found a awesome setting in my router that will give a temporary speed boost to each device so it can load faster. I am having my cousins over and they use all of the internet connection and I am trying to simulate it. Rpiswag wrote:Thats if you do it to some one else.

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